DIGITAL EDITION   No. 121   April 15, 2015     EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER:

Our Program for April 22nd:


Wednesday, April 29th: Foundation Grant Recipients
Wednesday, May 6th: Ben Stone – Sonoma County Economic Development Board
Wednesday, May 13th: Polio Plus


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness


President Mark called the meeting to order.

Doug Johnson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mike Kallhoff gave an invocation that somehow connected the 4 Way Test to Jackie Robinson.


Today’s only visiting Rotarian was our guest speaker, Rohnert Park Vice Mayor, Gina Belforte.


The following were guests at the meeting:

Retired teacher and impending Rotarian Steve Baime introduced himself (I’m my own best guest!) Rick Lazovick was introduced by Craig Meltzner. Anne Gospe then introduced her travelling companion, 6 year old son Jacob who was too sick for school (but apparently in perfect condition to attend a Rotary meeting 😉


According to Debi Zaft, Fred Levin was diagnosed with a 90-something percent arterial blockage and had a stent inserted. Get well soon, Fred and thanks for helping keep a large Santa Rosa Manufacturer (Medtronic) in business for another day.


The raffle was overseen by Steve (I’m a Deadhead) Marburger. Norm Owen held the lucky ticket but was unable to glom onto the correct marble and had to settle for the $10 consolation prize.


Next week’s magazine question: Matching the right treatment to the right patient at the right time is key to figuring out how to prevent or treat what disease? Article starts on page 28…..


Karen Ball shared with us her duties as the board member responsible for Community Services II. The following committees come under this designation:
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  • Disability Awareness – This committee helps support the Mayors Disability Awareness award program for business.
  • Salvation Army – Organizing Rotarians for bell ringing during the holidays.
  • Vets Program – Buys a block of tickets for sale within our club and to provide to vets who would otherwise be unable to attend.
  • Seniors Poinsettia Program – Providing poinsettias and a Christmas party to seniors at Vigil Light Senior Center.



Doug Johnson announced that a group of Rotarians paired off and distributed Giro Bello Flyers across Marin County on Sunday. They then convened at Petaluma Hills Brewery (across the street from the impossibly busy Lagunitas Brewery) for a brew or two. Doug also needs volunteers to man the Nick’s Cove rest stop at the Petaluma Rotary’s Backroads Challenge bike event in May. Contact Doug to volunteer. Also, don’t forget to sign up to work the Giro Bello booth at the Wells Fargo Center.

Ann Gospe announced that to volunteer online for Giro Bello and related biking events, simply go to: REALLY????

Debi Zaft announced that the social set for Thursday at Kunde Winery was cancelled due to lack of Rotarians committed to drinking wine. Are we becoming more of a beer club???????

Tim Fawcett encouraged Rotary members to volunteer to share their vocation with 8th graders at Piner Olivet career day. Call Tim for details.

President Mark shared some photos of the Rotary work-day at the Laguna Center last Saturday. Thanks to those who volunteered to do some hands on work in the community!

President Mark then announced that Matt Fannin who left in a hurry from last week’s meeting is the father of a new baby girl named Mia. Matt had to hurry up then wait until early Thursday morning for her to finally make her entrance into the world. The traditional collection was taken to start a college fund for the new arrival to be matched by her parents. Congratulations to proud parents Matt and Michelle!


 This activity has been rescheduled to:

Friday, May 15th 1:00Pm
LifeLearningCenter, large room @ Memorial Hospital

RSVP: [email protected]


President Mark offered the opportunity for Rotarians to turn themselves in for past transgressions.

Rich de Lambert announced his son is in Peru training first responders in firefighting and paramedic techniques. For this Rich offered $25 to the John Brown fund.

Rick Allen shared information about the Telemedicine project in Nigeria and gave $50 to the club.

Karen Ball donated $50 to her Paul Harris.

Jeff Gospe donated $50 to the club in recognition of his son Jacob’s travelling excursion to Myanmar.

Layne Bowen shared that his daughter Jamie, a 3rd year teacher in an inner city school in Oakland, has been given an award for her work as a mentor teacher by the Sonoma State University Education program. For this Layne donated $25 to the club. He also shared that by working on a “hands on” project and drinking beer, he was able to get to know another Rotarian much better. For this he offered another $25 if matched by Steve Marburger…….

Here’s what Layne learned about Steve:

  1. He is a Grateful Deadhead and likely has a closet full of tie dyed tee shirts
  2. He can hold a beer or two
  3. He’s a good guy, a willing volunteer and a welcome addition to the club.

Here’s what Steve found out about Layne:

  1. He knows words to songs by the Carpenters.
  2. He knows words to songs by The Captain and Tennille.
  3. He’s embarrassed to admit #’s 1 and 2, but hey – at least he also knows the words to White Bird……


The speaker today was Gina Belforte, who was introduced by Wayne Rowlands. Gina described her role as a board member of the Golden Gate Bridge District. Gina told us how the bridge came to be, and the roles of prominent people such as Frank Doyle of Santa Rosa. Immediately after the stock market crash and depression, the bridge provided jobs at a time when they were needed.

Visionaries such as Frank Doyle knew the bridge would benefit their county in a big way, allowing for more trade and easier transportation to and from their counties to San Francisco. Gina noted that when the bridge was planned, the designers expected to lose up to 33 workers during construction (one worker per million dollars of construction cost). Instead only 10 perished, most of whom were killed when a large piece of machinery fell into the safety net below taking the workers with it.

The bridge was entirely financed by 6 northern California counties. No state or federal money was used and the bridge came in under budget. (Contrast that with the new Bay Bridge structure). Amazing!


Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers

President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary

President Rotary International

Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan

Governor, District 5130

Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga

Attendance Secretary

Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770

Board of Directors

Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini