Next meeting
Wednesday January 5, 2021

Pepperwood Preserve 

Devyn Friedfel

Devyn Friedfel from Pepperwood Preserve will come to our meeting to talk about the facility and the environmental grant that our club has been awarded to assist with their programs.  The presentation will cover the land Management they are doing at Pepperwood and why this work is important to our ecosystems and communities.

–>  Debi will send you the Zoom login link for the 12:00 meeting once you have paid. Feel free to put your feet up, grab a sandwich, and join the meeting. <–


In-Person / Hybrid Meeting details:
All meetings are in-person and online meetings. In-person meetings will be located at the Epicenter Sports Center located at 3215 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, CA.  Use the first door, closest to Piner Road. There will be greeters at the door to guide you.

–> Please note: You NEED TO MAKE A RESERVATION IN ADVANCE so we have a proper count.  Payments received by Saturday will be considered for the upcoming meeting.  Payments after that will be for the following meeting.
Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid.  Use this link for details and to payCLICK HERE!

Wednesday January 12: Eric Stanley – Sonoma County Museum
Wednesday January 19: Annual Lee Abramson Public Safety Awards
Wednesday January 26: Mary Carouba – “Women at Ground Zero: Stories of Courage and Compassion”
Wednesday February 2: Matt Everson – Illuminate – Stopping Elder Financial Abuse

Keep checking back.  New Programs coming soon!


–> International Service Project

Click on image to open

–> 100th Birthday Celebration:

Click on image to open

100th Flier 211107  Put this date on your calendar:  Friday, May 13, 2022. The party will be at the Santa Rosa Golf and Country Club. Tickets are $125.00 or pay $150.00 to be at a table of eight Rotarian friends. The club is so pleased that we came to an agreement with SRCC for the new date!

Keep checking back.  New socials coming soon!


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Watch The Meeting:  Did you miss the meeting?  Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click Here)
Please note it is only available to view until: 1/9/21

Opening Ceremonies:

President Ray greeted us all and Sam McMillan led us in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and The Four-Way Test. His reflection pointed out that in 1926 our club had 80 members. His reflection was on the positive attitude of gratitude.


Sabra Locke, Gail Schwarz, Patty Kolin and Dennis Ball

Sunshine Report:

Cookie Garrett lost two members of her family this past week. Bill Pedersen is now receiving hospice care. We send them both our love.

Bell Ringing Report:

Casey Carter said all bell ringing shifts were covered and she thanked all who participated.


Well, it was not a big pot, but $18.00 would be nice to win. However, no winner today.

President Ray had three other raffles:  A package of Debi Zaft’s famous caramels, a Rotary tie from last year and a Rotary soft briefcase. Bidding was strong! Mary Graves got the tie for $30.00 and the briefcase for $50.00. Cathy Vicini got the caramels for $100.00!

Annual Fund and Polio Plus:

Vickie Hardcastle said that halfway through the year we are at 107% toward our goal for the Annual Fund and 115% of our Polio Plus goal. Excellent job! President Ray also mentioned that Vickie and Allan will be moving to Lincoln, CA sometime next year. We will need a person to replace her as our Foundation chair. If you are interested or just want more information, let President Ray know. Vickie can train.


Julia Parranto and Rose Frances went to Chicago for Thanksgiving. Chicago is Rose’s hometown. They went on side trips to Milwaukee, Lower Michigan and Springfield, IL. She donated $100.00 to the Jamison Fund.

Rotary Jeopardy:

Instead of playing trivia this year we played Jeopardy. We had six teams:  Friends of Karen, Do Gooders, Travelers, Electric Squirrels, Head Table and Zoomies. Categories were Santa Rosa, Rotary, Rotary Club of Santa Rosa, Quack Quack, and Made it Big (in Sonoma County). Participants were knowledgeable in all topics except Quack Quack which was all about…ducks. The Do Gooders, Travelers and Electric Squirrels duked it out and were all close in score. Friends of Karen, The Head Table and Zoomies did not have much of a chance! Ultimately the winning team was the Electric Squirrels. They each got one of President Ray’s water bottles.

Program Slides:

The Jeopardy Board

One Of The Duck Questions

Additional Pictures:

Governor, District 5130

Dustin Littlefield


Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

President Elect, Kris Anderson
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Club Director, Casey Carter
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe

DIGITAL EDITION No. 437 December 29, 2021  EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick