Our Program For Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Are you prepared when
the lights go out or are you shaking?

There will be 2 presentations this meeting.

Sonoma County Emergency
Services Preparedness

Nancy Brown

Dr Nancy Brown is the new Community Preparedness Program Manager for the Sonoma County Department of Emergency Management. The Department of Emergency Management was recently reimagined as a separate entity within the county and expanded from 4 people to 12. This new position for the county is focused on increasing preparedness for individuals, families, business, and neighborhood countywide.

She will speak about what is going on with the newly formed Department of Emergency Management, and specifically detail the current plans for community preparedness. She will also add a bit of community preparedness tips for families and individuals.

Hints For Preparing For a Power Outage

Richard Lazovick

Richard Lazovick Thanks the club for the Paul HarrisClub member Richard Lazovick will talk about power backup alternatives, including ways to keep your refrigerator running, your CPAP working, and staying connected to the outside world.

Wednesday October 30: 2019: Sonya McVay, expert in various modalities


Keep checking back.  New socials coming soon!


Visit our district at: http://www.rotary5130.org
Check out Rotary International at: http://www.rotary.org
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Opening Ceremonies

Pledge: Dan Balfe led the pledge admirably with a mouth full of FlamingO Caesar Salad
Reflection: Ginny Cannon

Visiting Rotarians

From the West Club, Past President Susan Nowacki.


None present


Ginny Canon reported Dan Shell has visited Memorial a couple times but is now at home recovering. Dan Balfe announced that Vicki Hardcastle is still in a cast and is slowly healing from her fall. She needs help with just about everything.

Raffle by Carolyn

Carolyn Fassi ran today’s raffle. PP Doug Johnson had the right ticket, but it must’ve been the wrong marble.

Cathy Tells a Joke

A little boy is lying in bed, busting to go to the toilet.
So he gets out of bed, runs downstairs into the living room, and finds his mother chatting with a bunch of her friends.
“MOM,” the boy yells at the top of his voice, “I GOTTA PEE! I GOTTA PEE!”
Well, needless to say, the mother is mortified and scolds the young boy. “Dominic, we do NOT shout that kind of language in front of mommy’s guests! Next time, just say ‘whisper’, okay?”
The little boy nods sheepishly. His mom takes him to the bathroom and tucks him back into bed.
The next night, little Dominic is busting to go to the toilet again.
So he gets out of bed, runs downstairs into the living room, and there is his mother, having a glass of wine with her friends.
“Mom! I gotta whisper, I gotta whisper!”
His mother excuses herself and takes Dominic to the bathroom, smiling at her son’s innocent mistake, but relieved that he was at least more discreet than last time. She takes Dominic back upstairs and tucks him into bed. “Well done, sweetie,” she says, kissing him goodnight, “That was more polite.”
A few nights go by and the little boy is busting to go to the toilet again.
So he gets out of bed, runs downstairs into the living room, and there is his dad watching TV.
“Dad!” Dominic says softly, “I gotta whisper, I gotta whisper!”
“Aw, is that so, little buddy?” says dad, his eyes fixed on the television. “Come on over here and whisper in daddy’s ear.”


Debi Zaft announced rosters are now here.

November 13th, Rotary will be at Legends at BVGC. Both the lounge and ballrooms will be remodeled next year, so assuming we stay at the Flamingo, we’ll alternate between the two as they are remodeled.

Karen Ball says she has a duplicate check someone must be missing for $165.

Dan Balfe- Dan talked about The Rotary Foundation. We need $$. Matching funds are available for amounts over $100.

Casey D’Angelo is recruiting mentors for New Gen Peace Builders which takes place in January. Please let him know if you’d like to be a part of this great program.

Sam McMillan announced the Rotary Meat Auction Thursday, the 17th night at Crane Melon Barn at 5pm. Sam then recited all the parts of lambs and pigs.

Ray Giampaoli- Planning of Giro Bello is underway, with a new website and registration platform. A local graphic designer will be used for this year’s jersey. Volunteers needed for Constant Contact, Rest Stop Coordinator, Clean Up coordinator, Facility, Beer and Band Coordinator and Event Coordinator.

Paul Hamilton reminded us that Thursday, November 7th is the Veterans Program. There will be no meeting Wednesday, prior.

Pete Lescure is always looking for a few good men and/or women for fellowship duty.

President Cathy announced an event October 26th.

Blue Badge

President Cathy awarded Rose Frances her new blue badge in exchange for $10.


A holder of several patents, serial entrepreneur JC Sun presented today’s program. It doubles as his craft talk (very crafty, JC!) Since moving to the state from China, JC started working on patented medical devices at Cook Medical, then moved on to Medtronic. JC moved to Europe and lived there for 4 years while with Medtronic. JC is married with 3 children. His mother was a pastor in his native China. JC’s stated goal is to accelerate medical innovation and improve life quality globally. He shared a medical tech market overview of various areas of new development in medical devices.

JC discussed minimally invasive heart surgery and the many products and devices available on the market today. He showed photos and information on minimally invasive devices from stents, balloons to valves.

JC then turned his attention to adolescent scoliosis which, interestingly affects girls far more often than boys. He showed a brief video and discussed innovations in dynamic braces that contain sensors to adjust automatically to treat and improve the condition.

At this point JC began discussing the growing potential of the senior market and turned his attention directly to our club membership. He talked about senior care issues, including new urinary and incontinence care innovations. It’s nice to know we have someone in the club who is working these issues. Maybe JC joined our club in order to have an adequate stock of guinea pigs for his new innovations!!!!!??????

Governor, District 5130

Kathy Flamson

Attendance Secretary

Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

Club Service I, Membership, Michael Moore
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Holly Garretson
Club Service III, Fundraising, Ryan Thomas
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Brandon Urich
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe

DIGITAL EDITION No. 336 October 16, 2019  EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick