Next Meeting is via Zoom
Wednesday April 28, 2021

COVID In Sonoma County

Dr. Sundari Mase and Paul Gullixson

Their topic is “Life after COVID-19: Why getting back to normal is not so easy.” They will be providing an update on where we stand with the COVID infection rate in Sonoma County and our vaccination efforts while also discussing some of the challenges that remain in the days to come.

–>  Debi will send you the Zoom login link for the 12:00 meeting. Feel free to put your feet up, grab a sandwich, and join the meeting. <–


All in-person meetings are currently on hold.  Instead, we will be holding online meetings using Zoom.  Please be on the look out for an email with the link from either Jeff or Debi.

Wednesday May 5: World Community Service
Wednesday May 12: High School Recognition Program
Wednesday May 19: Fire Forward
Wednesday May 26: Toastmasters and Rotary Alliance 

Keep checking back.  New Programs coming soon!


Keep checking back.  New socials coming soon!


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Watch The Meeting:  Did you miss the meeting?  Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
Click Here
Please note it is only available to view until  (5/2/21)

Opening Ceremonies

Pledge and Reflection:
President Jeff led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and then read the “Pause,” by Nikki Banas: all down. Pause from your full calendar and long task list. Take a moment—or ten—to simply be. To remind yourself that this is life, right here and right now. To reacquaint yourself with your pulsing heart and incredible body that allows you to do all that you do. To remember that life is precious and fragile and should be lived in love. To remind yourself that whatever is happening or wherever you find yourself in your journey, it is all as it is supposed to be.

Visiting Rotarians:
Jackie McMillan and Philip Paskel

Katrina Zavalney

Sunshine Report:
Debi Zaft is healing from cataract surgery.  In another couple of weeks, she will have the other eye done.  Mark Burchill is still healing from surgery, but better.

World Immunization Week:

Dan Balfe played a video, “Polio from Health Industry Experts” because next week is world immunization week.

Membership Drive:

Matthew Henry announced the membership drive that starts next week.  We are all divided up into teams and there will be prizes! (Click her for details)

Mt Shasta Anyone?

Ray Giampaoli is going to climb Mt Shasta and he is asking for sponsors for Polio Plus.  He will climb 14,170 and it is 13 miles round trip.  He expects it will take 14 hours to complete.

Giro de Wine County:

The Giro Bello will take place on September 25, 2021, with the Wine County Century.  Because the two rides will be done together, we have the name change for this year.  They will be able to start registration June 1st.


There will be an email coming out this next week from DACdb on membership and attendance.  Please respond!

Auction next week:

Cathy Vicini is donating a Corvin Wine System to benefit our club.  They retail for $499.  It is a cool way to decant wine from a bottle without pulling the cork.

This week’s speaker is Katrina Zavalney on climate change and what Rotary is doing about it.

We all know that the environment is now Rotary’s seventh area of focus.  She invited us to join the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG).  The cost is $30.00 per year. Its mission is to utilize Rotary’s network for environmental protection.  She writes environmental policy for a living. District 5130 is on board and Philip Paskel is our district person.  They are encouraging Rotarians to make 60 second videos of what they are doing and post to The rise in world temperature is causing problems around the world as we know well here in Sonoma County.  Rotary will help us find ways to engage and do our part. If Rotary can eradicate polio, just imagine what we can do for the environment.  There will be district opportunities and they would like to get local youth involved.  April 22 is Earth Day; June 5 is World Environment Day and September 29 is World Clean-up Day.  There will be lots of ways to engage from webinars, toolkits, how-to videos and guides. There is a movie night once a month.  Usually, the 4th Saturday of the month at 7:00PM.  Katrina’s business is called Aranya Solutions and her email address is [email protected].

Program Slides:


Additional Pictures:

Governor, District 5130

Doug Johnson


Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe

DIGITAL EDITION No. 404 April 21, 2021  EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick