DIGITAL EDITION   No. 57     December 18, 2013     EDITOR:  Julia Parranto     PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi

Our Program For January 8th



Christine Fontaine, Director of Education Programs will be presenting to our club.


December 25 & January 1: Club is dark to observe the holidays
January 15: 
Sonoma County Airport
January 22: Southeast Greenway
January 29: Public Safety Awards


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at:


The scene was festive as we settled in for lunch at tables decorated with Holiday candles and mugs provided by the Queen, Jeanne Levin.  The festive mood was enhanced by the offering of “with or without” egg nog, compliments of Eileen Carlisle and Debi Zaft, and the really great turnout.


Judy Glenn on keyboards Layne Bowen on guitar and Chip Rawson vocals

After a musical performance of Christmas carols by Chip Rawson, Layne Bowen, and Judy Glenn, President Peggy called the meeting to order and Bill Rousseau led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag, and then launched into an invocation; Bill gave us a compelling and very Rotarian-like quote from Nelson Mandela:

“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.”


Mike Kallhoff introduced 2 visiting Rotarians to us: our old friend and frequent collaborator, Dr. Shari, from the Guadalajara Club, and Doug Roberts, a College Administrator from the Sunrise Club.  Welcome both!


Will Haymaker introduced his guest and amazing wife, JoAnn. Kim Murphy stocked the winning table with her ringers: Randy and Sue Coleman, retired educators, and her whisky drinking husband of “almost 3 years!”, DeWayne Eileen Carlisle introduced our old friend Sandy Handley (come back! We miss you!)  Julia Parranto introduced her daughter Andrea Helmns, a mechanical engineering student at Loyola Marymount.  David Brown introduced David Ports from the YMCA of the USA.  Cecil Humes introduced Deborah Baggett, a CPA at Linkenheimer.  And last, but not least, Mike Kallhoff introduced his much better half, Tamara, from the County of Sonoma.

Chuck Barley draws while Kathleen Archer helps hold the "bucket"

Chuck Barley draws while Kathleen Archer helps hold the “bucket”


You could feel the building excitement in the room as Ann Gospe announced that the raffle payoff had grown to over $1,200.  Groans all around as Sam McMillan (Don’s father) had the winning ticket, but was unable to pick the joker from the remaining cards much to the delight of everyone present.  We’ll have a very nice jackpot to start the New Year!  Sam did walk away with his $10 consolation prize.


Bill Hatcher announced that in addition to the major donors he presented to us last week, the Club has two new Major Donors to thank: Wally Lowry (I thought he was a penny pincher?) and Ted Wilmsen.  Thank you gentlemen!  The Club applauds you!


President Peggy read a heartfelt thank you note from one of the Santa Rosa High School Interact members who was at our Club last week; apparently their auction managed to net their club $325.


President Peggy with Rotarian of the Month Tim Delany

President Peggy with Rotarian of the Month Tim Delany

This Rotarian is a relatively new member.  But in his short time with us he has brought in several corporate sponsors for the last Giro Bello. He took a day off work and worked all day setting up the big event.  He was the primary truck driver and moved items from office and storage locker to O’Reilly’s in Sebastopol.  He was back again early the next  morning picking up ice from G&G in Petaluma, and food from Gesine’s restaurant, Rosso.

He stepped up to be the Chair of the World Community Service Committee and steers the committee at their monthly meetings.

He provided a Live Auction airplane ride at the last Casino Royale.  He is quite generous with his time, his talents, and his treasure.

Yep, you guessed it: November’s Rotarian of the Month: Tim Delaney.  Huzzah!


Debi Zaft reminded us that we are dark for the next 2 weeks (what?  No Rotary on Christmas?!), which is cutting it pretty close for Casino Royale planning.  So get on it with the live auction and silent auction donation items!  Debi did tell us that the event has two new donated dinners, always fun events.

Casino Royale tickets are still available. Our annual fundraiser is January 18th at the Furth Center, 8400 Old Redwood Hwy in Windsor. The cost of admission to this fun event is only $65 which includes appetizers, a martini bar and $25 worth of chips to try your luck at the gaming tables.

Ted Wilmsen reminded us it’s time to sign up for the ever popular dictionary project.  If you’re new and haven’t done this yet, it will take little of your time and yet will be an event you will never forget.

Jock McNeil announced that for our Salvation Army project, all but one bell ringing spot has been filled (good job, Club!), and that was quickly filled by Santa Claus impersonator, Julia Parranto.


None!  Yay!  Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday to all of us!
(Your editor notes there were 5 names on President Peggy’s list, and she did not get a chance to nail any of ‘em.)

Ray Dorfman the awesome moderator

Ray Dorfman the awesome moderator


With his usual gracious charm, Ray Dorfman led us in the traditional Holiday Trivia Contest, our annual contest of wits.  With 8 full tables competing, the competition was fierce, especially with money on the line.  Which country has the highest suicide rate?  Japan!  What city named a High School after Bear Bryant?  Tuscaloosa!  What’s the last name of President Tricky Dick Milhous?  Nixon! Everyone knows that, right?  It was no surprise to anyone present that Matt Everson’s table went down first. It came down to the tables captained by Ryan Thomas, Don McMillan, and Ann Gospe, with 2 tables eligible to win money: 70% to the winner, and 30% to the 2nd place finisher.  Unfortunately for Ann, and even tho she and her late arriving hubby Jeff Gospe cheated, they only placed this year.  Boo hoo.

Despite the best efforts of Past President Ray Dorfman to skew the results, Table 4, headed by Past President Don “Donnie Mac” McMillan, never got a wrong answer and won!  A nice $26 per participant.  Sweet!

The winners! Kim Murphy (in purple), Jackie McMillian, Craig Meltzner, Don McMillina, Julia Parranto, Andrea? guest, Troy?, Kim's husband, Randy and Sue Coleman - I know them - definitely "ringers"!!

The winners! Kim Murphy (in purple), Jackie McMillian, Craig Meltzner, Don McMillina, Julia Parranto, Andrea? guest, Troy?, Kim’s husband, Randy and Sue Coleman – I know them – definitely “ringers”!!


Candles – Jeanne Levin
Song Leader – Chip Rawson
Piano Accompaniment – Judy Glenn
Egg Nog – Debi Zaft & Eileen Carlisle
Greeters – Carolyn Ivancovich & Ryan Thomas
PledgeBill Rousseau
InvocationBill Rousseau
Raffle Ann Gospe
Visiting Rotarians – Mike Kallhoff
Ticket Collector – Yale Abrams
Ticket Sales Assist.Dan Walker


Diane Moresi took so many great photos of today’s meeting that we had to create a photo gallery for you to view them all! Click here to see all the pictures: December 18th Photo Gallery


“Merry Christmas!  Happy Holidays!  To all a good night!  See you January 8th!”



Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers

President: Peggy Soberanis, President Elect: Mark Burchill, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Bill Rousseau, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary

President Rotary International

Ron D. Burton, member of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA

Governor, District 5130

Helaine Campbell, Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise

Attendance Secretary

Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770

Board of Directors

Debra Dorfman, Matt Fannin, Jose Guillen, Doug Johnson, Nicole Le, Robert Pierce, Jack Tolin, Creed Wood, Cathy Vicini