HAPPY 2020 !!

Our Program For Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Francesco Lecce-Chong

The famous music director and conductor for the Santa Rosa Symphony,  Francesco Lecce-Chong, will be our guest speaker. (Yale keeps on taking care of our Rotary group…he arranged this incredible opportunity for us).


Wednesday January 15, 2020: Bill Diles – Kenwood Hearing
Wednesday January 22, 2020: Public Safety Awards


Keep checking back.  New socials coming soon!


Visit our district at: http://www.rotary5130.org
Check out Rotary International at: http://www.rotary.org
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Opening Ceremonies

Pledge: Diane Moresi
Reflection: Chip Rawson acknowledged the best time of year, Christmas

Visiting Rotarians

No visiting Rotarians today, but lots of….


JoAnne Haymaker,  Salvation Army Cadet Nayoli Mercado Angie Rizzo, Caolyn Simons, Carl Leivo, Kristina Teixeira, David Jackson, Cheri Calardei, and Ellen Marks.


According to Ginny, all is sunny!


Bill Rousseau ran today’s raffle with $106 Yankee dollars. Anne Gospe drew the right ticket, but a bad marble and settled for the $10 consolation prize.

Karen’s Chorale

Suddenly, singing broke out with Karen Ball introducing the Rohnert Park Community Chorale. Karen led them in singing “Come to Bethlehem”. Following that was “We Three Kings”.

Cathy Tells a Joke

Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents.  At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers when the youngest one began praying at the top of his lungs.
His older brother leaned over and nudged the younger brother and said, “Why are you shouting your prayers? God isn’t deaf.”

To which the little brother replied, “No, but Gramma is!”


Casey announced the New Gen Peace program is starting soon. Anyone interested in joining is welcome. A record number of students have signed up this year.

Ray announced registration for Giro Bello started Dec. 13th. 20 riders have already registered and we already have 9 sponsors.Shirt sponsors needed too.

Rio Ray thanked the Rotarians who rang bells the last two weeks raising nearly $4,000.

Judy Glenn is still looking for participants in the Nutcracker program. (No requirement to dance).

Ted Wilmsen is looking for some help with dictionary distribution. (Robby is getting older, you know and needs help (not to read), so he doesn’t fall and break a hip!)

Peter Lescure needs more people to sign up for the Fellowship. It’s always the same volunteers, so let’s get some more participation!

Happy Birthday

The Happy Birthday song was sung and gifts given to members with November and December birthdays by President Cathy. It’s never too late to honor birthdays.

Presidential Announcements

Dan Bornstein and Ted Wilmsen were recognized for 30+ years of perfect attendance.

President Cathy announced that $22 will be the cost for lunches which will enable us to comp guests and speakers and cover shortages. Those with lunch tickets can sell them back to the club or you can use them with the extra $7 considered a donation to the club. Further details will be in the bulletin or an email from Debi or Karen.


President Cathy raffled off a package of Debi’s famous caramels. And Kris who bought them at $25 will reap the delicious rewards.

Anne Gospe brought back Christmas ornaments from Rwanda which were auctioned off for $60.

Ted Wilmsen celebrated his birthday with a few days in the City.
He ran into former club member Mark Tate at a play. He donated $200 to Polio Plus.

Karen Ball shared her daughter’s marriage history.

Paul Hamilton donated $250 to the John Brown veterans scholarship fund.

Ryan Thomas honored Cardinal Newman with a $100 donation to his Paul Harris.

Rio Ray honored his son who took him out to a nice dinner with a $20 donation to the club.

Robert Pierce honored Pete Lescure who helped him during a difficult time after the fire.

Pete Lescure offered a $100 for his son’s Paul Harris.

President Cathy told of her wines winning two big gold medals and is paying $100 toward her Paul Harris.

Robby Fouts, an avid sailor donated $100 to be split between two different scholarship funds.

Rich de Lambert donated $50 to John Brown Scholarship fund.

President Cathy donated $34 that rounded the total to $500 for the two J.C. Sun boy’s firefighter’s mural! What a wonderful project. Thank you all for being so generous. They raised $436!


Ian and Sam Sun, J.C.’ s sons, shared a mural created to honor the bravery of firefighters during the 2017 fires. 17 students from different schools created the beautiful mural. They are trying to raise $7,500 and have so far, raised $5,400. Ian created a t-shirt for sale for $30 each to help raise money. 100% of the proceeds goes to create sellable sections of the mural. Remember, you can still get those t-shirts and the entire amount goes to the project. Send an email to J.C. if you want one at [email protected]. You can still just donate too. Want to use PayPal? His PayPal account is [email protected].

Christmas Cheer-a-long:

A BIG Thank you to choir director Karen Ball and the wonderful Rohnert Park Chorale for coming out and entertaining the club with festive Christmas Music. 

Happy Holidays to everyone! We’ll see you next year! January 8

(Remember Board meeting Jan 7)

More Pictures of The Amazing Holiday Meeting

Governor, District 5130

Kathy Flamson

Attendance Secretary

Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

Club Service I, Membership, Michael Moore
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Holly Garretson
Club Service III, Fundraising, Ryan Thomas
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Brandon Urich
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe

DIGITAL EDITION No. 342 December 18, 2019  EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick