DIGITAL EDITION   No. 113   February 18, 2015     EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Shannon McConnell

Our Program for February 25th:

On February 25, the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa will continue its long tradition of recognizing the achievements of an outstanding student from each of our local high schools.  This year’s awards represent a unique departure from the way this program has been presented in the past.  Rather than honoring these students as a part of our regular meeting spread over a school year, President Mark has dedicated an entire meeting to this program so that we can honor these students in the presence of their peers from the other local high schools.  The achievements of these students is always impressive, and worthy of recognition.  I doubt we have ever had such an assembly of talent at one time!


Wednesday, March 4th: Susan Swartz – Life After Newspapers
Wednesday, March 11th: Past President’s Day
Wednesday, March 18th: Wells Fargo Center for the Arts


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at:


Casey D'Angelo giving our invocation on 4 way test

Casey D’Angelo giving our invocation

President Mark Burchill opened the meeting and Nona Lucas led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Casey D’Angelo covered #4 of the Four Way Test today…..Is it beneficial to all concerned? He quoted the Oxford Dictionary for the definition of “beneficial.” Favorable or advantageous; resulting in good. So he read us the following quotes:

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. Dalai Lama

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. Henry James

Do the best that you can in the place where you are, and be kind. Scott Nearing

Don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don’t like them. Stacy London

Be kind to people on the way up – you’ll meet them again on your way down. Jimmy Durante


No visiting Rotarians today.


Marjan Kaveh (guest of Jack Abercrombie) Richard Lazovich (guest of Steve Marburger), Steve Baime (guest of Julia Parranto), Robbie Chase (guest of Doug Chase), Deidre Karbousky (guest of Elizabeth Karbousky). We passed the hat for Deidre and collected $404.00! We expect her mom and dad to match that and open her first savings account.


The magazine question for our Rotary meeting on the 25th is:  Page two of the February magazine is covered in gloves.  What was their purpose?

Robert Pierce provided a rotary means business minute

Robert Pierce


Robert Pierce is now in business with former Rotarian Vinay Patel in a credit card processing business, Heartland Credit Card Processing. If you, or anyone you know, is in need of credit card processing for their business, please contact Robert.


Cecil Humes has been our treasurer for 18 years. He helps us manage our club finances. He works with the board of directors on budgeting. He says he spends about 3 hours +/- each week on Rotary business. The treasurer does not have to be a CPA like himself. The treasurer does have to know Quick Books and Excel. He told us the story of a former member leaving us a piece of land in Tahoe in his will. Unfortunately it did not come with rights for building on it…..leaving it basically worthless. Oh well!

Bob Sorensen

Bob Sorensen


President Mark asked long time member Bob Sorenson to give us his craft talk. Bob is 90 years old and he splits up his history as pre-World War ll and post World War II. He grew up in Pasadena. His father taught at Cal Tech. His dad was involved with the construction of the Hoover Dam so Bob got to see it as it was being built. During World War II he was in the Navy and spent 2.5 years in San Diego and 6 months in Hawaii. He took advantage of the GI Bill and got an advance degree. His work history includes Cal Tech, the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) and teaching at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He has 5 grand kids and 3 great grand kids.


No report today…Good!


The Giro Bello is now and will be of the topmost importance from now until the event. Don McMillan announced the Thursday planning meeting at Carmen Sinigiani’s office. Julia Parranto is in charge of riders – 1200 is our goal this year. Please take flyers and signs and get them out everywhere you can.

Yale Abrams says there is a hands on committee project at the Food Bank on February 28th from 9- 12:00. See him to sign up. Also, remember if you give blood, please let him know. There is an end of the year raffle for those who have donated.

Layne Bowen wanted to see who read last week’s bulletin (he wrote it). His questions; who were the two Seinfeld couples who were fighting about a retirement community and what was the name of the retirement community? It was Jerry and George’s parents doing the fighting and the community was called Del Boca Vista.

Emily Harrington plays poker

Emily Harrington plays poker


Today was the day for the silent auction of “stuff” that President Mark collected this year and stuff that had been in our storage for way too long. We did not have a final tally on the silent auction before the end of the meeting, but President Mark had 3 bottles of wine that he auctioned off and got $85 for the 3. I believe Steve Marburger ponied up for all 3.

Plus we still had cards left over from Denim and Diamonds, so we had a kind of poker game. Will Haymaker was declared the winner and he got about $80!


Ted Wilmsen just got back from Nicaragua on a project to plant trees.

Norm Owen missed Queen Jeanne’s birthday because he was at Henry Trione’s memorial service, so he brought a lovely bouquet of flowers for her.

I Have Never Told Any Rotarian That I……

Instead of a regular speaker for today’s program, we all had to answer this phrase and then everyone at your table tried to guess who might have said what. At our table we had some of these answers:

“Helped start a Sigma Nu fraternity at San Diego State in 1962.”

“Used to sleep walk and would find myself in some unusual places – like my next door neighbor’s house.”

“My favorite Christmas gift was the electric blanket I got for my eleventh birthday.”

“I worked for one of the world’s best plastic surgeons.”

“I played saxophone in the Roseland elementary School band.”

“I married a woman with the same last name.”

“I was in a motorcycle accident.”

The Rowdy Table!

The Rowdy Table!



Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers

President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary

President Rotary International

Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan

Governor, District 5130

Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga

Attendance Secretary

Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770

Board of Directors

Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini