
DIGITAL EDITION No. 226  May 24, 2017  EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick

Our Program For May 31, 2017


Matthew J. Witteman


Come hear Matthew J. Witteman speak on May 31 about SGMA, its background, its key provisions, various issues, the challenges and opportunities its presents, and how best to plan for its implementation.

California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (California Water Code 10720 et seq., or “SGMA”) was passed into law in September of 2014.  It mandates the regulation of groundwater in California for the first time in any kind of state-wide or comprehensive way.  SGMA requires local communities to establish by a date certain Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (“GSA’s”) and Groundwater Sustainability Plans (“GSP’s”) for groundwater basins that have been designated medium or high priority.  The Santa Rosa basin has been so designated.

Matt is an attorney with more than 15 years experience in complex litigation and a member of the State Bar of California’s Subcommittee on Agri-Business.  He is a Sonoma County grower and resident and a member of the Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise.

Wednesday May 31th: The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
Wednesday June 7th: Encore Songwriters Performance
Wednesday June 14th: Cannabis: A Conversation with Jack Tibbitts
Wednesday June 21st: President Jose Guillen Year in Review


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
NEW:  Giro Bello Signup Genius:

NOTE:  All images are clickable. Click on the pictures to see them in full size.
NOTE:  Hover your cursor over the pictures to see descriptions.


Tim Delaney led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Nona Lucas quoted Gandhi’s Seven Deadly Sins for the invocation:  wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, religion without sacrifice, and politics without principle.


Bob Rogers, Peg Rogers and Barbara Beedon…all from Sebastopol


Robert Bratberg, Abbie Williams, Craig Needham and Adam Brown


June 7th – Fund raising dinner at Franchetti’s Kitchen for one of the NewGen Peace Builders projects
4:30 – 8:30.  They are raising $15,000 for mine removal in Viet Nam
June 9th – Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary’s golf tournament.  See Don McMillan for details
June 11th – Say good bye to Anne-Laure Bodine with a dinner at Susan and Dean Nowacki’s home [email protected]
June 11th – Michael Capella Band at Layne Bowen’s home.  2:30 – 5:30 BYOB
June 24th – Giro Bello.  See Jeff Kolin for job assignments
June 28th – President Jose’s debunking at the Flamingo for an evening meeting.  See Doug Johnson for help with the skit

Blaine Goodwin raffleRAFFLE:

Blaine Goodwin said the pot was $32.00 and there were 10 marbles due to a winner last week.

No winner.


Pris Abercrombie is healing from a respiratory infection.  Kim Graves had ACL surgery yesterday.  Bob Parker is doing OK.  His hands still have a mind of their own!


A priest, a minister, a rabbi and a bear met up in the woods.  Guess who got the raw end of that deal!


Pedal For Polio

Click picture above for full size version of flyer.

Giro Bello needs SAG drivers.  See President Jose if you can help.

Bob and Peg Rogers were here to promote Pedal 4 Polio which is taking place August 14 – 19.  It is a bike ride from Crescent City to Petaluma to earn money to eradicate polio.  Bob suggested $35.00 donations by every district Rotarian; $1.00 per mile. Click here for

Click picture above for full size version of flyer.

Click picture for full size version of flyer.

Adam Brown was here to promote the 14th Annual Best Practices Awards Breakfast on October 25, 2017.  He is asking for nominations and they have a fund raiser coming up on June 9th at the Mary Agatha Furth Center.

Will Haymaker says that Project Amigo has almost 500 kids in the program down in Colima  Mexico.

He shared the great story of a young student supported through this program who is now a doctor and in charge of two public hospitals in their State. Our investment is paying great dividends in developing human potential and future leaders.


  • Kim Murphy and Dewayne went to a hillbilly festival
  • Matthew Henry is celebrating his first year in Santa Rosa with our club and the YMCA
  • Jeff Kolin went to New York to see his daughter graduate from college and start a new job
  • Paul Hamilton was happy to play in a golf tournament and shot below his age
  • Jack Abercrombie’s son is back from South Korea
  • Don and Jackie McMillan got to speak to the one son who is working in Chad. Where the other son is located is always top secret.  Even they don’t know where he is sometimes!
  • Nicole Le survived Disneyland with Michael, age 7 and Lauren, age 4
  • Rich de Lambert was just in Murphy with his friends; fraternity brothers that go back to 1953
  • DGE  Bob Rogers says that there have only been 5 cases of polio in the world this year. Maybe none next year?
  • President Jose thank everyone who helped out at the Petaluma Sunrise’s Backroad Challenge and NewGen Peace Builders program


Dr Chuck Wear craft talkSome of our long-time members gave their craft talk many years ago.  Occasionally we interview one of these long time members to hear their story.  Today Ginny Cannon interviewed Chuck Wear.  Chuck joined our club in 1980 after leaving the 20/30 Club.  He has been an orthodontist since 1969.  In his professional life he has led local and state orthodontic and dental groups.  He has lectured at several colleges in California and has won numerous awards.  He has been married to Ellen for 47 years and they have 2 sons, Jeff and Michael….plus 7 grandkids!  He has his pilot’s license and likes to golf, bike and travel when he is not flying.  He sold his practice and now only works 2 days a week.


Craig NeedhamCraig is a busy attorney but he takes the time to talk about his mom, Jane Boyle Needham.  She contracted the worst kind of polio (bulbar) in 1949 when she was only 29 years old and had 3 small children.  The family was up at Lake Tahoe when she came down with a fatigue so quickly that she ended up in an iron lung.  She Craig Needhamwas to spend the rest of her life in an iron lung.  Her life was cut short due to this disease, but she lived her life to the fullest for the 13 years that she was incapacitated due to polio.  It appears that her husband could not cope and abandoned the family.  Jane was divorced in 1954 and custody of her children remained with her.  Craig said family, nurses, firemen and neighbors were really good about helping the family.  The kids learned quickly to do for themselves.  Jane never complained.  With help she wrote a book, “Looking Up,” that was published in 1959.  It still is available from Amazon.  To this day Craig has a hard time talking about his mom without tearing up.  She was pretty heroic!

Click here for a short bio about Jane Boyle Needham 1920 – 1962

NOTE:  Hover your cursor over the above pictures to see descriptions.


Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers

President: Jose Guillen, President Elect: Julia Parranto, President Elect Nominee: Tony Roehrick, Past President: Doug Johnson, Secretary: Debi Zaft, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes

President Rotary International

John F. Germ, member of the Rotary Club Of Chattanooga, Tennessee

Governor, District 5130

Wulff A. Reinhold, Sr. member of the Rotary Club of Rohnert Park – Cotati

Attendance Secretary

Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

Kathleen Archer, Jack Atkin, Gesine Franchetti, Ray Giampaoli, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi