Next Meeting is Hybrid
Wednesday October 27, 2021

Regenerative Medicine

Dr Casey Carter

Rotarian Dr. Casey Carter will discuss Regenerative Medicine, the branch of medicine that develops methods to regrow, repair or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs or tissues.   

–>  Debi will send you the Zoom login link for the 12:00 meeting once you have paid. Feel free to put your feet up, grab a sandwich, and join the meeting. <–


In-Person / Hybrid Meeting details:
All meetings are in-person and online meetings. In-person meetings will be located at the Epicenter Sports Center located at 3215 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, CA.  Use the first door, closest to Piner Road. There will be greeters at the door to guide you.

–> Please note: You NEED TO MAKE A RESERVATION IN ADVANCE so we have a proper count.  Payments received by Saturday will be considered for the upcoming meeting.  Payments after that will be for the following meeting.
Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid.  Use this link for details and to payCLICK HERE!

Wednesday November 3: Health Awards
Wednesday November 10: Annual Veterans Event
Wednesday November 17: Peace Poles At School
Wednesday November 24: Day Before Thanksgiving
Wednesday December 1: 100 Year Anniversary Party

Keep checking back.  New Programs coming soon!


New Social!
October 30th – 3:00 – 6:00 pm
At Ann & Jeff Gospe’s House
(Click on the picture to view full size)

Oktoberfest & Meat Auction

       Click on image for full details

Ann would love more people on the social committee and someone to be in charge.
See Ann if you are willing to help.

Keep checking back.  New socials coming soon!


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Watch The Meeting:  Did you miss the meeting?  Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click here to view)
Please note it is only available to view until 10/30/21

Opening Ceremonies:

After President Ray greeted us, Karen Ball led us in reciting The Pledge of Allegiance and The Four-Way Test. Her Reflection was that October 20th is World Ostioporous Day, Suspender Day, Community Media Day, International Chef Day, Health Care Food Service Day, Hagfish Day, Information Overload Day, Office Chocolate Day, Brandied Fruit Day, and International Sloth Day. It is the people who make up our lives, great ideas,…that is what Rotary is all about. Oh, and happy International Peoples Day.

Visiting Rotarians:

Don and Jackie McMillan were here in person! They are on their way to Hawaii with Kim Murphy and Dwayne. Don announced that he is president elect of their club in Virginia for 22-23.


Jeff Gilman from the Redwood Gospel Mission was a guest of Mary Graves. It is looking like he may fill out an application to join!

Sunshine Report:

Robert Pierce ate some oysters from the beach in Mazatlan which may have given him an upset stomach, but it was only a 24-hour inconvenience. On a more serious note, Carolyn Fassi fell at Howarth Park and got pretty banged up! We hope she gets well quickly!


We had 8 marbles and a pot of $28.00. Ann Gospe’s  number was pulled, but she did not pull the blue marble. She donated her $10.00 winning back to Polio Plus.


Pete Lescure made mention of The Press Democrat article in today’s paper that the Taliban has given permission to restart polio vaccinations in Afghanistan effective November 1st. Women are being given permission to go house to house to administer the vaccination to 10 million children! What an accomplishment!

Mary Graves is encouraging us to all go to the Houston Convention next June. There will be a Rotaract Social for Districts 5130 and 5170.

Ann Gospe and President Ray announced the Octoberfest Social at the Gospe home on Saturday, October 30th from 3:00 – 6:00pm. They will be serving some sausages. The club has been divided up in who will bring salads, appetizers, desserts, etc. (please see the attached flier). For $50.00 there will be a balloon pop game where you will get at least $50.00 worth of meat. There will also be one of our Rotary Squares to will an instant Paul Harris Fellowship. If you do not will the grand prize, you just might win a pie! All proceeds from the event will go to our charitable budget. If you cannot make it, you can designate someone to bid for you, buy a balloon or buy squares.

Our first ever Public Health Award luncheon is November 3rd.  Dr. Sundari Mase among others will be our guest speakers.

Our 100th Anniversary Party scored an enormous success with the Santa Rosa Golf and Country Club! They have agreed to let us move the party date to a later date, to be determined, in 2022!

The trip to Puerta Vallarta to do the water project with the Puerto Vallarta Sur Club is on! $1650 per person for hotel and airfare will be March 23 – 28, 2022. One day will be spent making the water buckets and the next day will be the delivery. You have until December 13th to sign up. After that time, any unfilled seats will be opened to other Rotarians.


Sam Mc Millan became a father 25 years ago with the birth of his daughter. In honor of her 25th birthday he us donating $100 to Paul Harris Fellowship.

Cathy Vicini on difficulties in the wine industry

We are only hearing about smoke taint I wine over the last few years. However, if has been a problem for quite some time. She brought a sparkling zinfandel for us to taste that had smoke taint 10 years ago. Ash from a fire in Mendocino County was the culprit. Generally, the smoke does not affect the white grapes as much as the red grapes. It can be difficult to detect the destruction from smoke and ash. The ash can get into the flowers and the clusters grow unevenly because the sun cannot get through the ash. There can be a bitterness that cannot be detected. Pinot noir grapes are particularly susceptible. This is a huge problem when wineries reject grapes or accept the grapes only to find out later there is a problem.

Besides smoke and ash, wineries have the same issues as other businesses. The bottles, corks, capsules, paper labels and glue are all coming from other places in the world and are not getting to the wineries in a timely basis, therefore holding up bottling. This current season is wrapping up with excellent quality grapes, though not as big a tonnage due to the drought. Someone asked about box wine in comparison to glass bottles. “They taste different.” says Cathy. A question was asked about crop insurance. It is available, but you must be specific as to what you want covered and it can be expensive. They also have labor market issues. What used to cost $18 – $20 per hour is now $25 – $30 per hour.

Ecology Day Conference

Please see attached the Ecology Day Conference flyer from Steve Baime scheduled for November 6th!  The Western Division of ESRAG is having an online program that might be interesting to members of our club.  You do not need to be a member of ESRAG to attend.

Additional Pictures:

Governor, District 5130

Dustin Littlefield


Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

President Elect, Kris Anderson
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Club Director, Casey Carter
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe

DIGITAL EDITION No. 430 October 20, 2021  EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick